Meets: First Thursday of Each Month
Co-Chairs: Solomon Prophete
Co-Chairs: Carolyn Thompson

Monitors services from the Police, District Attorney’s Office, Fire, and Sanitation Departments in the District. Assesses problems and capital and expense needs of the related agencies and recommends appropriate remedies. Coordinates and acts in concert with all other CB9M Committees that are affected by Police, Fire, and Sanitation. Liaises with the 26th/30th Precincts, Manhattan North Command, Housing and Transit Bureaus, Fire Department, Departments of Sanitation, and Transportation, respectively.

Responsibilities also include the monitoring of traffic problems and seeking solutions to the negative impacts resulting from the massive influx of trucks, cars, buses, etc., into the District. Monitors the physical conditions of sidewalks, streets, and highways. Reviews and recommends all DOT Capital Projects proposals.

What we are working on:
> Changes in traffic patterns on Broadway
Our goals for the year

Contact this committee


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